Your foundation is the most essential part of your make-up and choosing the right one for your skin can be the most difficult job - whether you are a beginner or doing it since ages. I learned it after a lot of research and experimentation, and to be honest, failures too. Hence, in this blog I am going to share few tips that I have learned through my experiences which might be helpful for the readers. Brands like M.A.C have professional make-up artists to help buyers in selecting the right foundation, but in most stores you do not find this option. So, it is very important that you know the following three things when you go to buy a foundation for yourself:
1. What is your under-skin-tone?
2. How pale or dark are you?
3. What skin type do you possess?
1. What is your under-skin-tone?
First, you find out what color is your under-skin-tone. This determines whether you are cool-toned, neutral or warm-toned. Almost all foundations are made to cater these three types of skin-tones.
Some people can find this out quite easily while some find it confusing. Observe your skin carefully and if you see more pinks and reds in you and it burns easily in the sun it means you are cool-toned. If you see more yellows or olivy greens, and tan easily, this means you are warm-toned. Whereas, if it is a mix you are neutral. You can also look at your veins and if they are blue colored this means you are cool-toned and if you find them to be green this indicates you are warm-toned. Once you have determined your skin-tone it is important to know that most brands of foundations offer a series starting with NW i.e. Neutral Warm and NC i.e. Neutral Cool. NWs have a yellow base to match the warm skin-tones while NCs have pink base to match cool skin-tones.
Now most brands do this but if you are a M.A.C loyal, remember that M.A.C has arranged their series somehow opposite to this. Hence in M.A.C, if you are warm-toned NC is the series for you and vice versa.
2. How pale or dark are you?
Foundations are not supposed to make you look the whitest! It is meant to make your skin color even. So, if you apply a foundation that is super, super light than your actual skin color, you will see that it will appear greyish after a while. You can always use a lighter shade of face powder over your foundation to give a fair look.
3. What skin-type do you possess?
This is a relatively easier one! You can easily tell whether your skin is dry, oily or a combination of both, or if it is sensitive. For oily skin choose a matte finish foundation and for dry skin go for a moisturizing one for best results.
Later in some blog I will also discuss the many different types of foundations that are available in the stores and which ones work for which skins. For this blog this is all and I will see you guys next time. Hope you will find these tips of use and will not make mistake while doing your next purchase. Bye!
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